Welcome to The Way Back community. We were established in 2018 and our goal is to support your spiritual journey by providing free resources, videos, training, guidance and support. Although we have and may host real-world events the majority of our outreach is done online, so we can support you wherever you are. In addition to the many videos, podcasts, books and articles we've already produced we now have a live "Q&A" style chat show on Rumble. I invite you to find out more here:
https://thewaybackgroup.org/live-show/ your host, Mark Zaretti.
Locals is a great idea, and at this time we're a small team so we're keeping locals active, but we're not promoting it. The reason is that we've got a thriving and active member's and followers community on thewaybackgroup.org. What's more it's free for members and followers (there's no paywall). If you're a dedicated follower of The Way Back and value our teachings and guidance then please reach out to us ([email protected]) if this is something that interests you. The other reason we're focusing on our main site at this time is because it's an easier way to support us. We rely on the kindness of donations and this page: https://thewaybackgroup.org/donate/ shows how easy it is to support us from our site. So if you're on locals then thanks for your support, you'll get more on our site and also I'd sign up to our newsletter for free here: https://thewaybackgroup.org/contact/spiritual-newsletter-signup/ - thanks Mark
So I've just posted on twitter and the artwork for Ep.029 says "Ep.028".
Done purposefully to see if anyone notices and whether it stimulates engagement. ;) Only you know this 😁
You're the first to know on here and here's the link:
https://thewaybackgroup.org/podcast/ep-028-botox-silicone-body-mods/ in fact this is so hot off the press that it'll be a few minutes before this is available on spotify and apple. 😁